British Columbia

Missing People’s NetworkFacebookSocial MediaIf anyone you love has gone missing and you need the public’s help in finding them, please feel free to post their information on this page.
Missing ReportWebsiteSocial MediaGet missing persons reports created, seen and shared
across the province with the utmost of haste; even
when a police report and/or media release has not been published.
RCMP Detachment ListWebsiteLaw EnforcementSearch by location, find contact, address, services, and hours of operation
RCMP Missing Persons ListWebsiteLaw Enforcement
List of active missing
persons investigations
in BC RCMP jurisdictions.
Search Dog AssociationWebsiteSearchA volunteer, non-profit association dedicated to training and maintaining a network of professional
Ground Search and Rescue
dog teams throughout BC.
Search and Rescue AssociationWebsiteSearchEnhances the provision of volunteer search and rescue services in the province by facilitating access to funding, educating the general public
on outdoor safety, and providing volunteers with a common link to information and resources.