Heather’s Blog
I wouldn’t necessarily call my son a hero.
He didn’t perform a heroic act…or have any heroic qualities really. But I will say, for one person in particular, he was a role model.
Carson Anthony was born into this crazy family 16 years ago today. We were all so delighted to have another boy, after a
succession of girls. Ryan was especially thrilled.
Now he had someone to teach all the wisdom of his tender 5 years to. They would play toys, ride bikes and rule the world….well, our tiny corner of Beaumont anyways.
And wouldn’t you know it – it takes a newborn years to grow. Time to walk, run and bike. Sure Carson grew, but so did Ryan.
Ryan’s toys required precision to put together…and a 3 year old can’t always master the bike tricks. But little did Ryan know what a stubborn boy his cousin Carson was.
Athletic, smart and determined, Carson followed Ryan’s lead. Soon he could keep up, and sometimes even surpass him.
I loved watching them together.
Despite their age, they enjoyed each other’s company. They had a similar sense of humour, and this adventure for life. I suppose the adage that cousins are friends for life describes the two of them perfectly. However, I truly believe that Ryan and Carson would have met and been great friends no matter the family connection.
Like with all things lately, I am left with regret that Ryan will not be able to continue to grow in his relationships…with his sisters, his cousins, his family…and with Scott and I. Who would he become given enough time?
Maybe heroes don’t always have to perform heroic deeds in ordered to be celebrated and remembered. Maybe it is just enough that one person believes in you and sees you as extraordinary – flaws and all.
So perhaps I am wrong after all.
Ryan, my son, my hero.
Happy Birthday Carson.
@ Sun Peaks Resort