I suppose everyone wishes they could go back in time to a certain place …a favourite holiday , a first love kiss. I loved this day. Ryan had taken a year off after school to work with Dad. He thought he might figure out what he wanted to do. He enjoyed the people he worked with but wasn’t sure construction was his thing. This picture was taken the day he went off to university. This was to be his year of school. He studied General sciences and enjoyed his classes and his experiences but didn’t know what he would do with this degree. Fast forward to this year where he wanted to experience a year of adventure. To him that was his home at Sun Peaks to work and snowboard.


Each year offered growth and shaped who he was. I think he was wonderful and I was proud of him at every stage.

Oh I wish I could go back in time but I would never want to deny him the opportunity to be the man he is.


Today was tough, lots of ups and downs but we persevere because we can do nothing else.

Tomorrow Search and Rescue will begin at the Fire Hall. Pray that this nightmare comes to an end.