“You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.”
I want you to fly my beautiful girl, to escape the paltry bonds that tether you to an uncertain world and soar towards a brilliant future.
I long for you to find a path that requires you to seek the innate fierceness for life that swirls within you. No matter how small the kernel of curiosity, may it grow and expand as the years gently go by, so that you will, one day look back and be proud of all your accomplishments.
I wish that when you look in the mirror the reflection you see, is the beautiful, confident, strong and nurturing woman you have become; that you never allow that mirror to become disused or smudged. The world desires to place you in neat boxes of expectations. Know that, what the world aspires for you will never be stronger than your own beliefs. You were made for more than someone else’s limitations.
You, Jordyn Delaney are exquisitely perfect. Happy 21st Birthday sweet baby girl.