And just like that … you are 19. In a blink of an eye, it seems.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. “ ~ Ferris Bueller

You have done so much this year.

You have joined the legions of adults heading off to work each day. And in doing so, you found something that interests you. That is no small feat.

We are enormously proud of the way you save and plan (and still manage to buy copious amounts of shoes!!!!)

You persevered (or we nagged you enough )and got your license and bought your very first car.

These are just drops in the bucket of what will be a life time of achievements.

I hope you continue to look at life as an adventure to be undertaken, a curiosity that should always be explored and grow to become more than you thought you could ever be.

We love you Max Gould.

Happy birthday 🎁